Our dedication to innovation in technology is what makes our product strong_


requests per second to our API


web socket connections at once


unique users daily

Tech teams


Product development is our goal, and technical debt is our enemy. 🤟Our Engineering Teams work constantly on developing our current products (live chat, flows) and upgrading them to deliver the best quality to our customers.

Tech stack

Playwright Emotion
Event Storming
Event Sourcing
PHP Stan level 8
Symfony Messenger

Machine Learning

We are the engine behind Lyro, Tidio’s AI feature, and the first fully conversational AI Chatbot for customer support for SMBs. We improve user experiences by automating text processing, using the full array of natural language processing methods. This helps reveal the extra value hidden within textual data. Our team manages every step of the machine learning (ML) lifecycle. Our responsibilities range from creating preprocessing pipelines and designing the experimental architecture to deploying the finished product and ensuring its continuous improvement and monitoring.

Would you like to know more? Check out 👉 How We Created Lyro in Only 3 months.

Tech stack

Hugging Face
Clean Code

Data & Analytics

We deliver insights to help us navigate the product strategy and maintain a healthy service. Data engineers make sure we collect, transform, and maintain data in multiple dimensions; this data is then served to our data analysts and data scientists, and then to product sales, as well as the whole company.

We maintain communication within the organization through a dedicated Slack channel, where just about anyone can ask for a specific metric or number.

Tech stack


Data Platform

Our team develops apps, plugins, and extensions to ensure that Tidio's customers can easily integrate with the most adopted e-commerce platforms and CMS (Shopify, WordPress, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, etc.). Not only that, but we also provide APIs and Webhooks to even integrate Tidio with custom solutions, making advanced workflows and automations possible.

Tech stack

Platforms API (Shopify, WordPress)

Product Security

The Product Security team plays a crucial role in supporting the safe growth of our product. We conduct thorough security assessments, manage the reported vulnerabilities, and improve product security and software development cycles. We work closely with other teams, sharing our know-how and building a culture where security is everyone's business. From guiding teams to fixing vulnerabilities, we're here to keep things running smoothly and securely.

Tech stack

Burp Suite Professional
Nessus Professional
Dependency Track
OWASP guides
CIS Benchmarks

Internal Developer Platform

Our goal is to make sure that everything works as smoothly as it can - from the infrastructure behind our product to our applications’ deployment pipelines. We do our best to design performant, secure, and resilient architectures and solutions. We always look to automate everything that's too boring to do manually and tinker a lot with cutting-edge tools and platforms. The best part is that we like it a lot! 😎 We also offer IT support to fellow Tidioers to ensure no tech issues bug them in their daily work

Tech stack

RabbitMQ OpenResty

Web Presence

Web Presence covers all areas of the company’s website design and development. We focus on delivering high-quality landing pages that stimulate our marketing efforts and manage our company's home page.

Tech stack


We are happy to answer!

Is it only a live chat?

Absolutely not, live chat is just the tip of the iceberg! Our goal is to become a must-have tool for any e-commerce, a true customer experience platform that accompanies page visitors during their entire lifecycle. Sounds good? Ideally, a server hosting platform and Tidio will be the only two things one needs to launch their online business and start growing 😉 Tidio is not just a live chat - it’s so much more! Think of automation, flows for your online shop, Lyro – the first conversational AI chatbot for customer support, email marketing tool, helpdesk tools…everything businesses need to deliver the highest satisfaction for end users, increase sales and grow.

How are you different than other similar tools?

What differentiates our product from similar tools available on the market is our dedication to one defined target group - small and medium entrepreneurs.

Our goal is to create a frictionless customer experience for individual users and, at the same time, help entrepreneurs worldwide grow their businesses by giving them access to a top-notch tool. We’re dedicated to keeping our tool simple and easy-to-use, yet still offering premium quality features and affordable, modular pricing.

Another thing that makes Tidio stand out is our AI solution named Lyro, which is the first conversational AI chatbot available for every user, even on the free-forever plan. We used Claude (Anthropic AI) and our in-house models to build Lyro as a helpful, honest, and harmless AI Chatbot – making it the most trustworthy LLM on the market.

How do you work in the Tech Department

At Tidio, Product & Engineering teams are organized in value streams – groups of teams working on similar topics that deliver a common goal (value) for our customers. For example, our Customer Service Value Stream consists of 4 teams that contribute to the same goal – to offer a world-class customer service tool. What about working inside Engineering teams? The teams work in Scrum, and some use other Agile approaches. We have 2-week sprints and a strong focus on customer needs. Our Product Managers work very closely with the Engineering Managers and our Data team, gaining tons of insights based on customer behavior. What is very important for us is the quality of our code. Every week, our Developers dedicate one day to code improvement (Improvement Fridays 😎), and during our Backend and Frontend guilds, we discuss guidelines that help us improve and stay solid with our work. We also have "team tourism", which means our Developers and QAs can work a few sprints in another team to get to know a different part of the product and gain new experience.

How do you incorporate machine learning into your product?

We improve user experiences by automating text processing, using the full array of natural language processing methods. This helps reveal the extra value hidden within textual data. Our team manages every step of the ML lifecycle. Our responsibilities range from creating preprocessing pipelines and designing the experimental architecture to deploying the finished product and ensuring its continuous improvement and monitoring. Are you curious about Tidio AI? Our new conversational AI product Lyro uses LLMs combined with our in-house models to provide coherent conversations tailored to specific use cases.

How does your internal Data Team support the whole organization?

In a nutshell, our Data Team delivers insights that help us navigate the product strategy and maintain a healthy service. Data engineers make sure we collect, transform, and maintain data in multiple dimensions; this data is then served to our data analysts and data scientists and then to product sales, as well as the whole company. We communicate within the organization through a dedicated Slack channel, where just about anyone can ask for a specific metric or number.

How can I develop my skills in the Tech Department?

Due to our enormous growth, there are plenty of opportunities to develop

(#GrowWithTidio is our motto for a reason). We often undertake cross-team initiatives; our developers cooperate closely with the DevOps and Machine Learning teams.

We use our training budget to participate in conferences or trainings - e.g. PHPers

Summit and Boiling Frogs conferences in Poland. We also aim to develop our skills and learn from the best (e.g. Bottega IT Minds). Following our learn & share value, we organize internal lightening talks and meet regularly at our Tech Guilds, where we build a development ecosystem ready for scaling the team (as we grow really fast 😉)

Development in the Technology department isn’t only about growing your technical skills. If you decide to develop your career in a managerial direction, you can take part in our internal workshops for new managers (Leaders Labs). If you’d like to strengthen your personal brand and gain more exposure as an expert in your field, we’ve got you covered in our Tidio Ambassadors program.